حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
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حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
نر حب بجميع الزوار الكرام ونر جو منكم التسجيل
حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
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حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه

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 صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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جعفر الخابوري
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المراقب العام
جعفر الخابوري

عدد المساهمات : 9922
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/02/2010
العمر : 54

صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري    صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري  Icon_minitimeالأحد سبتمبر 15, 2024 8:46 am

The war in Gaza continues to destroy the lives of thousands every day, but amid the destruction and loss of life, there is one aspect that is often overlooked: the mental health and education of children. These children are not just numbers in the casualty statistics, they are the future of an entire people, and yet they are being denied the most basic rights that could give them a chance at normalcy amidst this chaos.

In addition to the bombing and death, many children in Gaza suffer from a loss of family stability. Some have lost their parents, others have been separated from their families. This separation creates a sense of loss and vulnerability, and makes it difficult for children to recover psychologically. As the violence continues, children become more accustomed to scenes of aggression, threatening to normalize violence as part of their daily lives, contributing to the creation of a new generation with emotional scars that may last a lifetime.

For the children of Gaza, school is not just a place where they learn to read and write. In the midst of war and conflict, school becomes a safe haven that stimulates a child’s mental and social development. But with schools destroyed and families displaced, there is no place for children to regain a sense of normalcy. Losing school doesn’t just mean losing an education, it’s also losing a part of their future and the dreams that gave them hope for a better tomorrow.

Working as a psychologist with Palestinian children, I’ve seen firsthand the profound psychological impact of these traumas. Anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder are daily realities for Gaza’s children. While the bombing may stop in an instant, the psychological wounds remain fresh for long periods of time, leaving a mark on every aspect of their lives. Every day that goes by without psychological care for these children means that the wounds will deepen, and their ability to recover will become more difficult over time.

Education: The Missing Key to Survival
Education has always been a symbol of resistance and resilience in Palestine. Despite the harsh conditions, Palestine used to have one of the lowest illiteracy rates in the world. But now, with schools destroyed and children displaced, their most powerful tool – knowledge – is being taken away from them. The lack of education not only affects academic achievement, but also weakens hope and ambition, leading to despair and brokenness. These children once dreamed of becoming doctors, engineers, and teachers, but now their dream is threatened with disappearance in the shadow of war.

The Importance of Psychosocial Support: Restoring the Soul
Gaza has succeeded in the past in making psychosocial services an integral part of the educational services provided in schools, and there were mental health units and counselors in most Gazan schools. Psychosocial support is not a luxury for children in conflict zones, it is an absolute necessity. Arts, music, and sports provide children with a means to express their pain and feelings in unconventional ways. I have seen the impact of these activities in my work; arts and sports give them a chance to regain some normalcy in their lives, to overcome trauma, and to rebuild their self-confidence. However, these activities are currently rare in Gaza, and there must be real investment in providing them on a large scale.
Rebuilding schools alone is not enough. Psychosocial support must be integrated into schools to enable children to cope with what they have been through. We need an education system that understands the impact of trauma and places children at the heart of the recovery process. Supporting families and communities must also be a fundamental part of these efforts.
Gaza’s Children Deserve More Than Just Survival
Gaza’s children are the future we must protect and invest in. The destruction of their homes and schools is not the end of the story. These children deserve a chance to live with dignity, to learn, and to heal. If the world does not act now to support them, the devastating impact of war will last for decades. But if we work together, we can rebuild not just the buildings, but also the lives and dreams of these children, who depend on us.
By Samah Jabr
Pen Letter Weekly Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jaafar Al-Khabouri 8
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» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري
» صحيفة نبض الشعب الاسبوعيه رئيس التحرير جعفر الخابوري

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