حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
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حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
نر حب بجميع الزوار الكرام ونر جو منكم التسجيل
حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه
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حركة جعفر الخابوري الاسلاميه

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 مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري

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المراقب العام
جعفر الخابوري

عدد المساهمات : 9900
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/02/2010
العمر : 54

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مُساهمةموضوع: مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري    مدونة جعفر عبد الكريم الخابوري  Icon_minitimeالأربعاء سبتمبر 25, 2024 8:53 pm

Dancers Around the Fire

By: A. Aid Zaqout

In light of the war of extermination waged by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the humanitarian and environmental catastrophe threatening the lives of innocent people, and the American attempts to liquidate and undermine the Palestinian cause, it may be too early to talk about what the current scene will lead to and explore its dimensions, but it will necessarily bring about a major change in the Palestinian arena, the Arab and Islamic region, and also internationally.

The Israeli military operation, its war-like characterization, and the unsurprising American identification with Israel, not only as a strategic partner but also as an active member of the Israeli government and its war council, did not come as a reaction to the military operation carried out by the Palestinian factions, but rather came within the strategy of rebalancing and the intensification of the conflict over the Middle East in light of the conflict over the new world order, which the Russian military operation in Ukraine opened the door wide to economic and political rebellion against American hegemony in the Arab region and other regions of the world, as well as to regional tensions that made Gaza a clear spearhead for those conflicts and tensions. In this context, the American military intervention came by sending the aircraft carriers Gerald Ford and Eisenhower, to constitute a deterrent to countries and organizations that support the Palestinian cause or its armed factions in the face of an expected Israeli geo-kinetic action. In addition to the above, the American administration believes that the continuation of the Palestinian cause without a consensual solution or imposing a final settlement will remain an obstacle in the region and will contribute to the fall of American control over it. This is what justifies America’s exploitation of the Israeli war on Gaza, so it hastened to push its political and military capabilities in A serious attempt to maintain its control over the region and block direct Russian attempts in the region or through its allies.

It goes without saying to talk about the American partnership with Israel in its various wars against the Arabs, as the capitalist West, since the Campbell-Bannerman Conference of 1907, which aimed to find a mechanism through which they could maintain their superiority and colonial gains to the furthest extent, and to overthrow the Arab and Islamic region and prevent its progress and revival, so Israel would have usurped Palestine and waged war on the Arabs without exception.

Historical evidence confirms that Israel has not fought any battle since its establishment without Western support and cover led by Britain and then America by the Hashomer, Haganah and Palmach gangs that committed many massacres and crimes, starting with the towns of Sheikh, Deir Yassin and Tantura, which took place under British protection and paved the way for the Nakba of the Palestinian people and their forced displacement and the establishment of the occupation state on the ruins of the soil of Palestine, and passing through the air bridge to supply Israel with weapons to curb the results of the October 73 war, and the massacres of Bahr al-Baqar in Egypt, Sabra and Shatila, and Qana in Lebanon, and the open Israeli war of extermination against the Palestinian people under the disgusting American protection. This short historical overview is not for us to live through, but rather to draw lessons to manage reality and assess a position for the future. The American position, a partner to the occupying state, requires a firm Arab position inspired by the lessons of history and gathering its strength and cards to pressure America to reconsider its strategic calculations in the region and Arab issues in particular, especially the Palestinian issue, and works to restore the Palestinian issue to its Arab axis from the clutches of regional conflicts that have not hesitated to dwarf it and exploit it as a card to achieve their political interests, as it is one of the unclear and incomprehensible paradoxes that these parties have continued without interference until now, with the exception of some skirmishes that do not fit with what is happening in terms of the destruction of Gaza over the heads of its residents.

And not least, isn't it strange, strange and suspicious in light of the catastrophe that befell Gaza and the conspiracies being hatched against the entire issue that we see the absence of agreement on a general national line that keeps pace with developments on the ground and outlines political goals, and raises a single official voice that puts an end to the dancers around the fire.
Weekly Kashf Al-Haqiq Magazine Editor-in-Chief Jaafar Al-Khabouri
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